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Select Disease or Pest By Scientific Name
The full list with the information about diseases can be found at
Scientific Name |
Common Name |
Western Blackheaded Budworm |
Adelges cooleyi |
Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid |
Balsam Woolly Adelgid |
Adelgids |
Dwarf Mistletoes |
Argyresthia cupressella |
Cypress Tip Moth |
Armillaria ostoyae |
Armillaria Root Disease |
Atropellis piniphila |
Atropellis Canker |
Botryosphaeria piceae |
Botryosphaeria Canker of Spruce |
Golden Buprestid |
Camarosporium Blight of True Fir |
Gray Spruce Looper |
Carulaspis juniperi |
Juniper Scale |
Budworms |
Spruce Broom Rusts |
Chrysomyxa monesis |
Coastal Spruce Cone Rusts |
Chrysomyxa pirolata |
Inland Spruce Cone Rusts |
Coleophora laricella |
Larch Casebearer |
Coleosporium asterum |
Western Pine - Aster Rust |
Wound Parasites |
Cronartium ribicola |
White Pine Blister Rust |
Cronartium spp. |
Stem Rusts of Pine |
Cryptorhynchus lapathi |
Poplar-and-Willow Borer |
Davisomycella ampla |
Davisomycella Needle Blight |
Delphinella Needle Blight of True Firs |
Dendroctonus ponderosa |
Mountain Pine Beetle |
Dendroctonus pseudotsuga |
Douglas-fir Beetle |
Dendroctonus rufipennis |
Spruce Beetle |
Diaporthe lokoyae |
Phomopsis Canker of Douglas Fir |
Dichomeris marginella |
Juniper Webworm |
Discocainia treleasei |
Discocaninia Canker |
Western Balsam Bark Beetle |
Brown Stringy Trunk Rot |
Elatobium abietinum |
Spruce Aphid |
Elytroderma deformans |
Elytroderma Needle Cast |
Endocronartium harknessii |
Western Gall Rust |
Epinotia subviridis |
Cypress Leaf Tier |
Black Mildew |
Brown Crumbly Rot |
Fusarium Root Rot |
White Mottled Rot |
Ambrosia Beetles |
Brown Felt Blight |
Annosus Root Rot and Butt Rot |
Hylobius warreni |
Warren's Root-Collar Weevil |
Hyphantria cunea |
Fall Webworm |
Hypodermella laricis |
Larch Needle Blight |
Tomentosus Root Disease |
Isthmiella Needle Blight of Spruce |
Isthmiella Needle Blight |
Western Hemlock Looper |
Leptocorus trivittatus |
Boxelder Bug |
Leptographium wageneri |
Black Stain Root Disease |
Leptomelanconium pinicola |
Leptomelanconium Needle Blight of Pine |
Leucoma salicis |
Satin Moth |
Leucostoma kunzei |
Canker Diseases of Spruce |
Lirula Needle Blight |
True Fir Blights |
Lophocampa argentata |
Silver-spotted Tiger Moth |
Lophodermella concolor |
Pine Needle Cast |
Lophodermella montivaga |
Pine Needle Cast |
Common Needle Diseases of Spruce |
Lophodermium pinastri |
Lophodermium Needle Cast |
Fir Needle Blights |
Lymantria dispar |
Gypsy Moth |
Malacosoma californicum |
Northern Tent Caterpillar |
Forest Tent Caterpillar |
Melampsora Foliage Rusts |
Fir Broom Rust |
Green-striped Forest Looper |
Meria laricis |
Larch Needle Cast |
Balsam Twig Aphid |
Nepytia freemani |
Western False Hemlock Looper |
Spruce Spider Mite |
Douglas-fir Tussock Moth |
Petrova albicapitana |
Northern Pitch Twig Moth |
Snow Blight |
Red Ring Rot |
Aspen Trunk Rot |
Phellinus (Poria) weirii Root Rot |
Phloeosinus sequoiae |
Redwood Bark Beetle |
Adelgids |
Pissodes strobi |
Spruce Weevil |
Pissodes terminalis |
Lodgepole Terminal Weevil |
Pristiphora erichsonii |
Larch Sawfly |
Pucciniastrum spp. |
Fir Needle Rusts |
Rhabdocline pseudotsugae |
Douglas Fir Needle Blight |
Rhizina Root Rot |
Rhyacionia buoliana |
European Pine Shoot Moth |
Scirrhia pini |
Red Band Needle Blight |
Engraver Beetles |
Red Heart Rot |
Synanthedon sequoiae |
Sequoia Pitch Moth |
Trachykele blondeli |
Western Cedar Borer |
Ambrosia Beetle |
Uredinopsis spp. |
Fir Needle Rusts |
Venturia spp. |
Poplar Shoot Blights |
Verticicladiella spp. |
Black Stain Root Disease |
True Fir Blights |
Xiphinema bakeri |
Corky Root Disease |