Alan J. Thomson |
Ian Willoughby |
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Based (in part) on the publications:
Williamson, D.R., and P.B. Lane. 1989. The use of herbicides in the forest. Forestry Commission Field Book 8. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London.
Willoughby, I., and J. Dewar. 1995. The use of herbicides in the forest. Forestry Commission Field Book 8. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London.
Willoughby, I., and D. Clay. 1996. Herbicides for farm woodlands and short rotation coppice. Forestry Commission Field Book 14. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London.
Willoughby I., Clay D., Herbicide update. Forestry Commission Technical Paper 28. Forestry Commission, Edinburgh, 1999.
This decision tool is designed to be used in conjunction with these publications. Users should check results against these publications and product labels before making a final decision. The product label is the primary source for efficacy and safety information, and it is vital that users refer to it. Recently approved herbicides may not be included in this system.
Uses the expert system described in:
Select the situation, forestry or farm forestry. On subsequent screens enter the weed species, crop species and proposed application time, and receive advice on the suitability of each control option in the system's knowledge base. As the rating system is based primarily on weed susceptibility at the timing selected by the user, it may be worthwhile selecting alternative application timings to view the wider range of herbicides available. At present, crop tolerance does not affect the suitability rating, as damage can often be avoided by use of special application methods. Users should also note that more suitable herbicides may exist to control the weeds in a different growth stage (e.g. pre emergence as opposed to post emergence), or in a different situation (e.g. farm forestry, as opposed to forestry situations).
This system is designed as an aid to herbicide selection, once the weed problem has been identified as requiring remedial action, and only once non chemical options have been considered but rejected as impractical. See Willoughby et al. (UK Forestry Commission, in press) Reducing Pesticide Use in Forestry : A decision Guide for more details.