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FPL 20 - Engraver Beetles

The information accessed from this screen is based on the publication: Woods, T. A. D. 1973. Engraver Beetles in British Columbia. Forestry Canada, Forest Insect and Disease Survey, Forest Pest Leaflet No. 20 5p.



The engraver beetles, Scolytus species (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), attack most native conifers in British Columbia. Small trees may be killed, but damage is usually confined to tree tops, limbs and logging slash. Scolytus spp. havebeen of minor importance in British Columbia, although S. ventralis (Le Conte) has killed some small grand fir on Southern Vancouver Island and caused extensive damage to true firs in Oregon and California. S. unispinosus Le Conte and S. tsugae Swaine common in British Columbia, are often found in association with the Douglas-fir beetle, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae Hopkins. Other species in this province are S. subscaber (Le Conte), S. sobrinus Blackman and S. picea Swaine.


For more information, see the Engraver Beetles Forest Pest Leaflet in the Canadian Forest Service bookstore.