Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest
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acrid Tricholoma
acute conic waxy-cap *
Agaric, fly *
agaric, lichen *
agaric, orange moss *
Agaric, puffball *
Agaricus, amber-staining *
Agaricus, anise *
Agaricus, banded
Agaricus, bleeding *
Agaricus, diminutive *
Agaricus, diminutive *
Agaricus, felt-ringed *
Agaricus, flat-top *
Agaricus, gastroid *
Agaricus, gastroid *
Agaricus, giant cypress *
Agaricus, little purple *
Agaricus, mountain gastroid *
Agaricus, red-gilled
Agaricus, salt-loving *
Agaricus, small slender *
Agaricus, snowy *
Agaricus, thin-ringed
Agaricus, urban
Agaricus, wine *
Agaricus, wine-colored *
Agaricus, woodland *
Agaricus, woolly-foot
Agaricus, yellow-staining *
Agrocybe, bitter
Agrocybe, common *
Agrocybe, hard *
Agrocybe, hemispheric *
Agrocybe, hemispherical *
Agrocybe, maple
Agrocybe, rough *
Agrocybe, spring *
Agrocybe, spring *
Agrocybe, stump
alder Mycena
alder tuft
alkaline Mycena
almond mushroom *
almond-scented Russula *
almond-scented waxcap *
Amanita, blushing
Amanita, booted *
Amanita, fly *
Amanita, gemmed *
Amanita, gem-studded *
Amanita, gray-veil *
Amanita, jonquil *
Amanita, orange spring *
Amanita, panther *
Amanita, powder-cap *
Amanita, purplish *
Amanita, Smith's *
Amanita, springtime *
Amanita, strangulated
Amanita, western woodland *
Amanita, yellow-veiled *
amber-staining Agaricus *
American parasol *
American Russula *
amethyst Laccaria
Anellaria, ringed *
Anellaria, solid-stemmed *
angel, death *
angel, destroying *
angel, destroying *
angel, spring destroying *
angel-wings *
anise Agaricus *
anise mushroom *
anise-scented Clitocybe *
appleseed coincap *
apricot milk-cap *
Armillaria, cucumber *
Armillaria, scaly yellow *
Armillaria, shaggy-stalked *
Armillaria, sheathed *
aromatic milk-cap
baeos *
Baeospora, conifer-cone *
Baeospora, lavender
banded Agaricus
bane, tippler's *
bare-toothed Russula
bear Lentinellus *
bearded milk-cap
beautiful Cortinarius
bell-shaped Panaeolus
bell-shaped Psathyrella
belted Panaeolus *
belted slimy Cortinarius
belted slimy Cortinarius
bicolored Russula *
big laughing Gym
big laughing Gym
big laughing mushroom
big laughing mushroom
big red scaly Stropharia *
birch Lenzites *
bitter Agrocybe
bitter brown Leucopaxillus
bitter Gymnopilus
bitter Pholiota *
black and white Clitocybula *
black jelly oyster
black nipple fiberhead
black nipple Inocybe
black-edged Pluteus
blackening Russula *
blackening Russula *
blackening waxy-cap *
black-eyed parasol *
black-tufted wood Tricholoma *
bleeding Agaricus *
bleeding milk-cap *
bleeding mushroom *
bleeding Mycena *
blewit *
blewit, field
blond hairy Inocybe
blood-red Cortinarius *
blue chanterelle *
blue halos *
blue Russula
blue-black Leptonia *
blue-foot webcap
blue-foot webcap
bluegill webcap
blue-green anise mushroom *
blue-green flamecap *
blue-green Stropharia *
blue-haired Psilocybe *
blueing Psilocybe *
blue-legs, Stuntz's *
blue-ringers *
blue-toothed Leptonia
blunted-grassland Psilocybe
blusher, the
blushing Amanita
blushing bowlcap
blushing bowlcap
blushing bracket *
blushing fiberhead *
blushing Inocybe *
blushing waxcap *
bog Galerina
Bolbitius, grey *
bolete, gilled *
bonnet, fairy *
booted Amanita *
boring Lepiota *
bowlcap, blushing
bowlcap, blushing
bowlcap, dingy *
bracelet Cortinarius *
bracket, blushing *
bracket, gilled *
bradley *
branched Collybia
brick-red Clitocybe *
brick-red Naematoloma *
bricktop *
bright yellow milk-cap
bristly Pholiota *
brittlegill, scallop
broad-gill *
brown alder mushroom
brown almond waxy-cap *
brown Cortinarius *
brown dunce-cap *
brown dunce-cap *
brown-eyed parasol *
brown-eyed parasol
brownish Chroogomphus
bruised Clitocybe
Bucknall's Lepiota
bulbous Cortinarius
bulbous Cortinarius
burn site Mycena *
burnt Tricholoma
burnt-ground Pholiota
buttery Collybia
button mushroom *
Callistosporium, yellow-olive *
Calocybe, pink *
canary Tricholoma *
candy-cap *
cap, crumble *
cap, gastroid milk *
cap, vulgar milky
cap, yellow-centered waxy
Cascade Russula *
cat, imperial
cat, swollen-stalked
cavalier, common *
cavalier, golden *
cavalier, irksome *
cavalier, waxygill *
cavalier, yellowish
cedar Cortinarius
cedar waxy-cap *
changeable Melanoleuca *
changeable Pholiota *
chanterelle waxy-cap
chanterelle, blue *
chanterelle, clustered blue *
chanterelle, false *
chanterelle, rainbow
chanterelle, scaly vase *
chanterelle, trumpet *
chanterelle, white *
charcoal Pholiota
charcoal Psathyrella
charcoal scalecap
chevalier, western *
chocolate milky
Chroogomphus, brownish
Chroogomphus, ochre
Chrysomphalina, golden-gilled *
cinnamon Cort
Clitocybe, anise-scented *
Clitocybe, brick-red *
Clitocybe, bruised
Clitocybe, cloudy *
Clitocybe, crowded white *
Clitocybe, funnel
Clitocybe, giant *
Clitocybe, large white *
Clitocybe, lead-white
Clitocybe, log
Clitocybe, parasitic *
Clitocybe, small scaly *
Clitocybe, smoky-brown
Clitocybe, snowmelt *
Clitocybe, sweat-producing
Clitocybe, white-stranded *
Clitocybe, wood *
Clitocybula, black and white *
Clitocybula, family *
cloudy Clitocybe *
club-foot *
clustered blue chanterelle *
clustered Collybia *
clustered funnelcap
clustered Gomphidius *
clustered Psathyrella *
coat, queen's *
cobweb parasol
coccora *
cockle-shell Lentinellus
coincap, appleseed *
Collybia, buttery
Collybia, clustered *
Collybia, common *
Collybia, fragrant *
Collybia, little brown *
Collybia, oak *
Collybia, spotted *
Collybia, tufted *
Collybia, branched
Collybia, tuberous *
comb Russula
common Agrocybe *
common boring Gymnopilus *
common cavalier *
common Collybia *
common cone-head *
common Laccaria *
common Mycena *
common Mycena
common Volvariella *
conch Panus *
cone-head, common *
conic waxcap *
conifer Cystoderma *
conifer Psilocybe *
conifer tuft *
conifer-cone Baeospora *
Conocybe, deadly *
Conocybe, ringed *
constricted grisette *
copper-red webcap
Coprinus, gastroid *
coral spring Mycena *
corn silk Inocybe *
Cort *
Cort, cinnamon
cort, spotted
cort, viscid violet
Cortinarius, beautiful
Cortinarius, belted slimy
Cortinarius, belted slimy
Cortinarius, blood-red *
Cortinarius, bracelet *
Cortinarius, brown *
Cortinarius, bulbous
Cortinarius, bulbous
Cortinarius, cedar
Cortinarius, deadly
Cortinarius, early
Cortinarius, fragrant *
Cortinarius, lilac conifer *
Cortinarius, little brown
Cortinarius, little brown
Cortinarius, pale
Cortinarius, pointed *
Cortinarius, purple-staining
Cortinarius, purple-staining *
Cortinarius, red-gilled
Cortinarius, silvery-violet *
Cortinarius, slimy
Cortinarius, slimy purple
Cortinarius, slimy violet
Cortinarius, sooty olive *
Cortinarius, violet *
Cortinarius, western red-capped
cowboy's handkerchief *
cracked top *
creamy Russula
crep, flat
crep, jelly *
crep, little white
Crepidotus, flabby *
crimped gill *
crocodile mushroom
crocodile mushroom
crowded white Clitocybe *
crumble cap *
cucumber Armillaria *
cucumber Tricholoma *
cucumber-scented mushroom *
cultivated mushroom *
curry-scented milk-cap
custard, plums and *
cyans *
Cystoderma, conifer *
Cystoderma, unspotted *
Cystoderma, vermilion *
dark Melanoleuca *
dark Melanoleuca
dark-centered Hebeloma
dark-centered Hebeloma
date-colored Psathyrella
deadly Conocybe *
deadly Cortinarius
deadly Galerina *
deadly Inocybe *
deadly lawn Galerina
deadly Lepiota
deadly parasol
death angel *
death-cap *
decorated mop *
deer-mushroom *
deer-mushroom, golden
deer-mushroom, patrician *
deer-mushroom, small white
delicious milk-cap *
desert shaggy-mane *
destroying angel *
destroying angel *
destructive Pholiota *
diminutive Agaricus *
diminutive Agaricus *
dingy bowlcap *
dirty milk-cap
dirty Tricholoma *
dispersed Naematoloma *
Douglas fir cone mushroom *
downy milk-cap
downy milk-cap
Dryas pinwheel
dry-foot olive-brown waxy-cap
dubious Psathyrella
dunce-cap, brown *
dunce-cap, brown *
dunce-cap, white *
dung mushroom
dung roundhead *
early Cortinarius
ears, pig's *
earthscale, leather *
emetic Russula *
Entoloma, livid
Entoloma, midnight blue *
Entoloma, nitrous
Entoloma, nitrous
Entoloma, rosy
fairy bonnet *
fairy ring mushroom *
false chanterelle *
family Clitocybula *
fan pax
fawn-colored mushroom *
felt-ringed Agaricus *
fetid Russula
fiberhead, black nipple
fiberhead, blushing *
fiberhead, lilac *
fiberhead, pungent *
fibre-head, green-foot *
fibre-head, straw-colored *
fibre-head, torn
fibre-head, white-disc *
fibril Tricholoma *
field blewit
fir flamecap *
flabby Crepidotus *
flaky waxy-cap *
flame Mycena *
flamecap, blue-green *
flamecap, fir *
flaming parasol *
flaming Pholiota *
flat crep
flat-top Agaricus *
flower pot parasol *
fly Agaric *
fly Amanita *
flying saucer mushroom *
fool's mushroom *
forgettable Pholiota
fox-colored slime-veiled Limacella *
fragile Russula *
fragrant Collybia *
fragrant Cortinarius *
fragrant Hygrophoropsis *
fragrant Inocybe *
fragrant Russula
fragrant Tricholoma *
fried chicken mushroom
fried chicken mushroom *
fringed Tubaria *
frosty Lyophyllum
fungus, horsehair *
funnel Clitocybe
funnelcap, clustered
funnel-cap, orange *
fuzztop *
fuzzyfoot, orange *
Galerina, bog
Galerina, deadly *
Galerina, deadly lawn
garland Stropharia *
garlic mushroom *
gastroid Agaricus *
gastroid Agaricus *
gastroid Coprinus *
gastroid Lepiota *
gastroid liberty-cap *
gastroid milk cap *
gastroid Pholiota *
gastroid Russula
gemmed Amanita *
gem-studded Amanita *
Gerronema, golden-gilled *
giant Clitocybe *
giant cypress Agaricus *
giant Gymnopilus
giant Gymnopilus
giant horse mushroom *
giant horse mushroom
gilded grisette
gill, crimped *
gilled bolete *
gilled bracket *
gilled polypore *
girdled Tricholoma *
glistening inky-cap *
glutinous Gomphidius *
glutinous waxy-cap *
goblet, the *
gold drop milk-cap *
goldband webcap
gold-cap *
golden cavalier *
golden deer-mushroom
golden false Pholiota *
golden granular Pluteus *
golden milk-cap *
golden Pholiota
golden Tricholoma *
golden waxy-cap
golden waxy-cap *
golden yellow waxgill
golden-fringed waxy-cap *
golden-gilled Chrysomphalina *
golden-gilled Gerronema *
golden-gilled Gymnopilus *
golden-tooth waxcap *
goldgill navelcap *
Gomphidius, clustered *
Gomphidius, glutinous *
Gomphidius, hideous
Gomphidius, insidious *
Gomphidius, rosy *
Gomphidius, slimy *
Gomphidius, Smith's
Gomphus, pig's ear *
graceful Psathyrella
grass rotting Psilocybe *
grass-green Russula *
gray almond waxy-cap *
gray milk-cap
gray parasol *
gray pinkgill
gray shag
gray-brown waxy-cap *
graying Russula
graying Russula *
graying yellow Russula *
grayling *
gray-veil Amanita *
green Russula *
green-foot fibre-head *
grey Bolbitius *
grey Russula
grisette *
grisette, constricted *
grisette, gilded
grisette, western *
grisette, white
Gym, big laughing
Gym, big laughing
gym, magic blue *
Gymnopilus, bitter
Gymnopilus, common boring *
Gymnopilus, giant
Gymnopilus, giant
Gymnopilus, golden-gilled *
Gymnopilus, small yellow *
Gymnopilus, spruce *
hairy Panus *
halos, blue *
handkerchief, cowboy's *
hard Agrocybe *
haymaker's mushroom *
haymaker's Panaeolus *
Hebeloma, dark-centered
Hebeloma, dark-centered
Hebeloma, scaly-stalked
Hebeloma, veiled
Hebeloma, veiled
Hebeloma, veiled
helmet, little *
hemispheric Agrocybe *
hemispherical Agrocybe *
hemispherical Stropharia *
hideous Gomphidius
hoary webcap *
honey mushroom
honey mushroom
honey mushroom *
honey mushroom
honey mushroom
honey mushroom
honey mushroom *
hood, scarlet *
horn of plenty *
horse mushroom *
horsehair fungus *
Hygrophoropsis, fragrant *
Hygrophorus, veiled
I, North American Biological Species *
ill-scented Tricholoma *
imperial cat
indigo Psilocybe *
inky-cap *
inky-cap, glistening *
inky-cap, pleated *
inky-cap, woolly *
inky-cap, woolly *
Inocephalus, rhombus-spored
Inocybe, black nipple
Inocybe, blond hairy
Inocybe, blushing *
Inocybe, corn silk *
Inocybe, deadly *
Inocybe, fragrant *
Inocybe, lilac *
Inocybe, little white *
Inocybe, scaly *
Inocybe, turnip-bulb *
Inocybe, woolly
inrolled pax *
insidious Gomphidius *
integrated Russula *
irksome cavalier *
ivory waxy-cap *
IX, North American Biological Species
Japanese parasol *
jelly crep *
jonquil Amanita *
June mushroom *
Kauffman's Stropharia
Kit's Phaeocollybia *
knobby tops *
Laccaria, amethyst
Laccaria, common *
Laccaria, lackluster *
Laccaria, purple
Laccaria, two-colored
Laccaria, western amethyst
lacerated Stropharia *
lackluster Laccaria *
larch waxy-cap
large Lentinus *
large Mycena *
large white Clitocybe *
large white Leucopaxillus *
late fall waxy-cap *
lavender Baeospora
lead poisoner
lead-white Clitocybe
leaflike oyster *
leather earthscale *
leathery looking Russula
lemon-yellow Pholiota *
Lentinellus, bear *
Lentinellus, cockle-shell
Lentinus, large *
Lentinus, ponderous *
Lentinus, scaly *
Lenzites, birch *
Lepiota, boring *
Lepiota, Bucknall's
Lepiota, deadly
Lepiota, gastroid *
Leptonia, blue-black *
Leptonia, blue-toothed
Leptonia, little white
Leucopax, northern *
Leucopaxillus, bitter brown
Leucopaxillus, large white *
liberty-cap *
liberty-cap, gastroid *
lichen agaric *
lilac conifer Cortinarius *
lilac fiberhead *
lilac Inocybe *
lilac Mycena *
Limacella, fox-colored slime-veiled *
Limacella, ringed
Limacella, white *
little brown Collybia *
little brown Cortinarius
little brown Cortinarius
little brown waxy-cap
little helmet *
little purple Agaricus *
little white crep
little white Inocybe *
little white Leptonia
livid Entoloma
log Clitocybe
lubricous Pholiota
luminescent Panellus *
luxuriant ringstalk *
Lyophyllum, frosty
Lyophyllum, snowbank *
magic blue gym *
man-on-horseback *
maple Agrocybe
Marasmius, velvet-cap *
Marasmius, white *
March mushroom *
matsutake *
matsutake, white *
meadow muffin mushroom *
meadow mushroom *
meadow waxy-cap *
Melanoleuca, changeable *
Melanoleuca, dark *
Melanoleuca, dark
Melanoleuca, mountain
Melanoleuca, peach-gilled *
Melanoleuca, robust
Melanoleuca, small
Melanoleuca, yellowish-white
mica-cap *
midnight blue Entoloma *
milk-cap, apricot *
milk-cap, aromatic
milk-cap, bearded
milk-cap, bleeding *
milk-cap, bright yellow
milk-cap, curry-scented
milk-cap, delicious *
milk-cap, dirty
milk-cap, downy
milk-cap, downy
milk-cap, gold drop *
milk-cap, golden *
milk-cap, gray
milk-cap, northern *
milk-cap, orange
milk-cap, orange
milk-cap, ordinary *
milk-cap, pale-capped violet-latex *
milk-cap, pitted *
milk-cap, poplar *
milk-cap, purple staining *
milk-cap, purple staining bearded *
milk-cap, red *
milk-cap, red hot *
milk-cap, scrobiculate *
milk-cap, slimy *
milk-cap, slimy
milk-cap, spicy
milk-cap, sticky *
milk-cap, toadskin *
milk-cap, velvety *
milk-cap, weeping *
milk-cap, willow *
milk-cap, woolly
milk-cap, woolly
milk-cap, woolly
milk-cap, yellow staining bearded *
milk-cap, yellow-staining
milky Mycena *
milky, chocolate
miller, the *
miniature waxy-cap
minuscule Mycena
minute waxy-cap
moist-disc Psathyrella
mop, decorated *
mop, variegated *
mop, yellow oyster
mountain gastroid Agaricus *
mountain Melanoleuca
mountain moss Psilocybe *
mouse Tricholoma
mouse Tricholoma
Mt Baker waxy-cap *
multicolor gilled polypore *
mushroom, almond *
mushroom, anise *
mushroom, big laughing
mushroom, big laughing
mushroom, bleeding *
mushroom, blue-green anise *
mushroom, brown alder
mushroom, button *
mushroom, crocodile
mushroom, crocodile
mushroom, cucumber-scented *
mushroom, cultivated *
mushroom, Douglas fir cone *
mushroom, dung
mushroom, fairy ring *
mushroom, fawn-colored *
mushroom, flying saucer *
mushroom, fool's *
mushroom, fried chicken
mushroom, fried chicken *
mushroom, garlic *
mushroom, giant horse *
mushroom, giant horse
mushroom, haymaker's *
mushroom, honey
mushroom, honey
mushroom, honey
mushroom, honey *
mushroom, honey
mushroom, honey
mushroom, honey *
mushroom, horse *
mushroom, June *
mushroom, March *
mushroom, meadow *
mushroom, meadow muffin *
mushroom, oyster *
mushroom, paddy straw
mushroom, pine *
mushroom, platterful *
mushroom, pleated *
mushroom, red-staining *
mushroom, sidewalk
mushroom, slim anise *
mushroom, slime *
mushroom, spruce-cone *
mushroom, sunray
mushroom, sweetbread *
mushroom, veiled oyster *
mushroom, western cone
mushroom, winter *
mushroom, wood *
mushroom, Zeller's *
Mycena, alder
Mycena, alkaline
Mycena, bleeding *
Mycena, burn site *
Mycena, common
Mycena, common *
Mycena, coral spring *
Mycena, flame *
Mycena, large *
Mycena, lilac *
Mycena, milky *
Mycena, minuscule
Mycena, neutral gray
Mycena, orange
Mycena, reddish-spotted *
Mycena, red-orange *
Mycena, rough-stemmed
Mycena, slippery *
Mycena, terrestrial bleeding *
Mycena, toque *
Mycena, yellow-edged *
Mycena, yellow-stemmed
Mycena, yellow-stemmed
Mycena, yellow-stemmed
Mycena, yellow-stemmed
Mycena, yellow-stemmed
Mycena, yellow-stemmed
Naematoloma, brick-red *
Naematoloma, dispersed *
navelcap, goldgill *
navelcap, tiny
nested waxcap
neutral gray Mycena
nitrous Entoloma
nitrous Entoloma
Nolanea, silky *
Nolanea, spring
Nolanea, springtime
Nolanea, strict
North American Biological Species I *
North American Biological Species IX
North American Biological Species V
North American Biological Species VI
North American Biological Species VII *
North American Biological Species XI
northern Leucopax *
northern milk-cap *
not so tedious Tubaria *
oak Collybia *
oak polypore
ochre Chroogomphus
olive Phaeocollybia *
olive-brown waxy-cap *
Omphalina, Wynne's
onion-stalk parasol *
orange funnel-cap *
orange fuzzyfoot *
orange milk-cap
orange milk-cap
orange moss agaric *
orange Mycena
orange spring Amanita *
orange-brown waxy-cap
orange-gilled waxy-cap
orange-gilled waxy-cap
ordinary milk-cap *
oyster mushroom *
oyster, black jelly
oyster, leaflike *
oyster, shoehorn *
oyster, smelly *
oysterette, white
paddy straw mushroom
pale cap Russula *
pale Cortinarius
pale-capped violet-latex milk-cap *
Panaeolus, bell-shaped
Panaeolus, belted *
Panaeolus, haymaker's *
Panaeolus, pinched *
Panaeolus, ringed *
Panaeolus, solid-stemmed *
Panellus, luminescent *
panther Amanita *
Panus, conch *
Panus, hairy *
Panus, ruddy *
Panus, smooth *
parasitic Clitocybe *
parasitic Psathyrella *
parasol, American *
parasol, black-eyed *
parasol, brown-eyed
parasol, brown-eyed *
parasol, cobweb
parasol, deadly
parasol, flaming *
parasol, flower pot *
parasol, gray *
parasol, Japanese *
parasol, onion-stalk *
parasol, petite
parasol, shaggy-stalked
parasol, sharp-scaled *
parasol, small white
parasol, smooth *
parasol, yellow *
parasol, red-eyed
parasol, red-tinged
parasol, shaggy
parrot waxy-cap *
patrician deer-mushroom *
pax, inrolled *
pax, fan
pax, velvet
Paxillus, spring
Paxillus, stalkless
peach-gilled Melanoleuca *
pectenlike Russula
petite parasol
Phaeocollybia, Kit's *
Phaeocollybia, olive *
Phaeocollybia, pretty
Phlebia, radiating
Pholiota, bitter *
Pholiota, bristly *
Pholiota, burnt-ground
Pholiota, changeable *
Pholiota, charcoal
Pholiota, destructive *
Pholiota, flaming *
Pholiota, forgettable
Pholiota, gastroid *
Pholiota, golden
Pholiota, golden false *
Pholiota, lemon-yellow *
Pholiota, lubricous
Pholiota, pinkish-orange *
Pholiota, pointed
Pholiota, pointed
Pholiota, poplar *
Pholiota, scaly *
Pholiota, slender
Pholiota, terrestrial *
Pholiota, yellow *
pig's ear Gomphus *
pig's ears *
pinched Panaeolus *
pine mushroom *
pine spike *
pine-spike, robust *
pink Calocybe *
pink waxy-cap *
pinkgill, gray
pinkish-orange Pholiota *
pinwheel, Dryas
pinwheel, white
pitted milk-cap *
platterful mushroom *
pleasing Russula *
pleasing Russula
pleated inky-cap *
pleated mushroom *
plenty, horn of *
plums and custard *
Pluteus, golden granular *
Pluteus, yellow-stemmed *
Pluteus, black-edged
pointed Cortinarius *
pointed Pholiota
pointed Pholiota
pointed waxy-cap
poisoner, lead
poison-pie *
polypore, gilled *
polypore, multicolor gilled *
polypore, oak
polypore, rusty-gilled *
polypore, thick-walled maze
polypore, thin-walled maze *
ponderous Lentinus *
poplar milk-cap *
poplar Pholiota *
poplar Tricholoma *
potent Psilocybe *
potent Psilocybe *
powder-cap Amanita *
powdered Russula
pretty Phaeocollybia
prince, the *
Psathyrella, bell-shaped
Psathyrella, charcoal
Psathyrella, clustered *
Psathyrella, date-colored
Psathyrella, dubious
Psathyrella, graceful
Psathyrella, moist-disc
Psathyrella, parasitic *
Psathyrella, ringed *
Psathyrella, smooth-capped
Psathyrella, suburban *
Psathyrella, velvety *
Psilocybe, blue-haired *
Psilocybe, blueing *
Psilocybe, blunted-grassland
Psilocybe, conifer *
Psilocybe, grass rotting *
Psilocybe, indigo *
Psilocybe, mountain moss *
Psilocybe, potent *
Psilocybe, potent *
Psilocybe, red-cap *
Psilocybe, rhododendron *
Psilocybe, Stuntz's *
Psilocybe, umbonate dung-dwelling
Psilocybe, wavy-capped *
puffball Agaric *
pungent fiberhead *
purple bloom Russula
purple Laccaria
purple staining bearded milk-cap *
purple staining milk-cap *
purple-red waxy-cap *
purple-staining Cortinarius
purple-staining Cortinarius *
purplish Amanita *
queen's coat *
questionable Stropharia *
quilted green Russula *
radiating Phlebia
rainbow chanterelle
rainbow Russula *
red and black Russula *
red hot milk-cap *
red milk-cap *
red-brown Trich *
red-brown Tricholoma *
red-brown Tricholoma
red-cap Psilocybe *
reddening Russula *
reddish-spotted Mycena *
red-eyed parasol
red-gilled Agaricus
red-gilled Cortinarius
red-orange Mycena *
red-staining mushroom *
red-tinged parasol
red-tufted wood Tricholoma *
rhododendron Psilocybe *
rhombus-spored Inocephalus
righteous red waxy-cap *
ringed Anellaria *
ringed Conocybe *
ringed Limacella
ringed Panaeolus *
ringed Psathyrella *
ringed Tubaria *
ringstalk, luxuriant *
ringstalk, scaly
robust Melanoleuca
robust pine-spike *
Rockies waxy-cap *
roll-rim *
rosy Entoloma
rosy Gomphidius *
rosy Russula *
rough Agrocybe *
rough-stemmed Mycena
round Stropharia *
roundhead, dung *
ruddy Panus *
russet scaly Tricholoma *
Russula waxcap *
Russula, almond-scented *
Russula, American *
Russula, bare-toothed
Russula, bicolored *
Russula, blackening *
Russula, blackening *
Russula, blue
Russula, Cascade *
Russula, comb
Russula, creamy
Russula, emetic *
Russula, fetid
Russula, fragile *
Russula, fragrant
Russula, grass-green *
Russula, graying
Russula, graying *
Russula, graying yellow *
Russula, green *
Russula, grey
Russula, integrated *
Russula, leathery looking
Russula, pale cap *
Russula, pectenlike
Russula, pleasing
Russula, pleasing *
Russula, powdered
Russula, purple bloom
Russula, quilted green *
Russula, rainbow *
Russula, red and black *
Russula, reddening *
Russula, rosy *
Russula, short-stemmed *
Russula, shrimp *
Russula, small yellow
Russula, tacky green *
Russula, tan-colored *
Russula, variegated *
Russula, western *
Russula, yellow *
Russula, yellow cap
Russula, yellow swamp *
Russula, gastroid
Russula-like waxy-cap *
rusty-gilled polypore *
salmon waxy-cap *
salt-loving Agaricus *
sandy Tricholoma *
sandy, the *
scalecap, charcoal
scalecap, spring *
scallop brittlegill
scaly Inocybe *
scaly Lentinus *
scaly Pholiota *
scaly ringstalk
scaly vase chanterelle *
scaly yellow Armillaria *
scaly-stalked Hebeloma
scarlet hood *
scarlet waxy-cap *
scarlet waxy-cap *
scrobiculate milk-cap *
separating Tricholoma *
shag, gray
shaggy parasol
shaggy-mane *
shaggy-mane, desert *
shaggy-stalked Armillaria *
shaggy-stalked parasol
sharply conic waxy-cap *
sharp-scaled parasol *
sheathed Armillaria *
sheathed waxy-cap
sheathed waxy-cap
shingled Tricholoma *
shoehorn oyster *
short-stemmed Russula *
shrimp Russula *
sickener, the *
sidewalk mushroom
silky Nolanea *
silky volvariella
silver streaks *
silvery-violet Cortinarius *
slender Pholiota
slim anise mushroom *
slime mushroom *
slimy Cortinarius
slimy Gomphidius *
slimy milk-cap
slimy milk-cap *
slimy purple Cortinarius
slimy violet Cortinarius
slippery Mycena *
small Melanoleuca
small scaly Clitocybe *
small slender Agaricus *
small waxgill
small white deer-mushroom
small white parasol
small yellow Gymnopilus *
small yellow Russula
smelly oyster *
Smith's Amanita *
Smith's Gomphidius
Smith's Volvariella
smoky waxy-cap
smoky-brown Clitocybe
smooth Panus *
smooth parasol *
smooth-capped Psathyrella
snowbank Lyophyllum *
snowmelt Clitocybe *
snowy Agaricus *
snowy waxy-cap *
soapy Tricholoma *
solid-stemmed Anellaria *
solid-stemmed Panaeolus *
sooty brown waxy-cap
sooty olive Cortinarius *
sordid waxy-cap *
spicy milk-cap
spike, pine *
spike, woolly pine *
split-gill *
spotted Collybia *
spotted cort
spring Agrocybe *
spring Agrocybe *
spring destroying angel *
spring Nolanea
spring Paxillus
spring scalecap *
springtime Amanita *
springtime Nolanea
spruce Gymnopilus *
spruce waxy-cap *
spruce waxy-cap *
spruce-cone mushroom *
stalkless Paxillus
sticky gray Tricholoma *
sticky milk-cap *
stinker, the *
strangulated Amanita
straw-colored fibre-head *
streaked Tricholoma *
streaks, silver *
strict Nolanea
Stropharia, big red scaly *
Stropharia, blue-green *
Stropharia, garland *
Stropharia, hemispherical *
Stropharia, Kauffman's
Stropharia, lacerated *
Stropharia, questionable *
Stropharia, round *
Stropharia, wine-cap *
Stropharia, wine-red *
stump Agrocybe
Stuntz's blue-legs *
Stuntz's Psilocybe *
subalpine waxy-cap *
suburban Psathyrella *
sulfur tuft *
sunny side up *
sunray mushroom
sweat-producing Clitocybe
sweetbread mushroom *
swollen-stalked cat
tacky green Russula *
tan-colored Russula *
terrestrial bleeding Mycena *
terrestrial Pholiota *
the blusher
the goblet *
the miller *
the prince *
the sandy *
the sickener *
the stinker *
thick-walled maze polypore
thin-ringed Agaricus
thin-walled maze polypore *
tiger Tricholoma *
tiny navelcap
tiny Volvariella *
tippler's bane *
toadskin milk-cap *
top, cracked *
tops, knobby *
toque Mycena *
torn fibre-head
totally tedious Tubaria *
train-wrecker *
Trich, red-brown *
Tricholoma, acrid
Tricholoma, black-tufted wood *
Tricholoma, burnt
Tricholoma, canary *
Tricholoma, cucumber *
Tricholoma, dirty *
Tricholoma, fibril *
Tricholoma, fragrant *
Tricholoma, girdled *
Tricholoma, golden *
Tricholoma, ill-scented *
Tricholoma, mouse
Tricholoma, mouse
Tricholoma, poplar *
Tricholoma, red-brown
Tricholoma, red-brown *
Tricholoma, red-tufted wood *
Tricholoma, russet scaly *
Tricholoma, sandy *
Tricholoma, separating *
Tricholoma, shingled *
Tricholoma, soapy *
Tricholoma, sticky gray *
Tricholoma, streaked *
Tricholoma, tiger *
Tricholoma, veiled *
Tricholoma, yellow-green *
trumpet chanterelle *
Tubaria, fringed *
Tubaria, not so tedious *
Tubaria, ringed *
Tubaria, totally tedious *
tuberous Collybia *
tuft, alder
tuft, conifer *
tuft, sulfur *
tufted Collybia *
turnip-bulb Inocybe *
turpentine waxy-cap *
two-colored Laccaria
umbonate dung-dwelling Psilocybe
unspotted Cystoderma *
up, sunny side *
urban Agaricus
V, North American Biological Species
variegated mop *
variegated Russula *
veiled Hebeloma
veiled Hebeloma
veiled Hebeloma
veiled Hygrophorus
veiled oyster mushroom *
veiled Tricholoma *
velvet pax
velvet-cap Marasmius *
velvet-foot *
velvet-stalk *
velvety milk-cap *
velvety Psathyrella *
vermilion Cystoderma *
vermilion waxcap
VI, North American Biological Species
VII, North American Biological Species *
violet Cortinarius *
violet waxcap
violet-gray waxy-cap
viscid violet cort
Volvariella, common *
volvariella, silky
Volvariella, Smith's
Volvariella, tiny *
vulgar milky cap
wavy-capped Psilocybe *
waxcap, almond-scented *
waxcap, blushing *
waxcap, conic *
waxcap, golden-tooth *
waxcap, nested
waxcap, Russula *
waxcap, vermilion
waxcap, violet
waxcap, yellow *
waxgill, golden yellow
waxgill, small
waxy-cap, a cute conic *
waxy-cap, blackening *
waxy-cap, brown almond *
waxy-cap, cedar *
waxy-cap, chanterelle
waxy-cap, dry-foot olive-brown
waxy-cap, flaky *
waxy-cap, glutinous *
waxy-cap, golden
waxy-cap, golden *
waxy-cap, golden-fringed *
waxy-cap, gray almond *
waxy-cap, gray-brown *
waxy-cap, ivory *
waxy-cap, larch
waxy-cap, late fall *
waxy-cap, little brown
waxy-cap, meadow *
waxy-cap, miniature
waxy-cap, minute
waxy-cap, Mt Baker *
waxy-cap, olive-brown *
waxy-cap, orange-brown
waxy-cap, orange-gilled
waxy-cap, orange-gilled
waxy-cap, parrot *
waxy-cap, pink *
waxy-cap, pointed
waxy-cap, purple-red *
waxy-cap, righteous red *
waxy-cap, Rockies *
waxy-cap, Russula-like *
waxy-cap, salmon *
waxy-cap, scarlet *
waxy-cap, scarlet *
waxy-cap, sharply conic *
waxy-cap, sheathed
waxy-cap, sheathed
waxy-cap, smoky
waxy-cap, snowy *
waxy-cap, sooty brown
waxy-cap, sordid *
waxy-cap, spruce *
waxy-cap, spruce *
waxy-cap, subalpine *
waxy-cap, turpentine *
waxy-cap, violet-gray
waxygill cavalier *
webcap, blue-foot
webcap, blue-foot
webcap, bluegill
webcap, copper-red
webcap, goldband
webcap, hoary *
weeping milk-cap *
western amethyst Laccaria
western chevalier *
western cone mushroom
western grisette *
western red-capped Cortinarius
western Russula *
western woodland Amanita *
white chanterelle *
white dunce-cap *
white grisette
white Limacella *
white Marasmius *
white matsutake *
white oysterette
white pinwheel
white-disc fibre-head *
white-stranded Clitocybe *
willow milk-cap *
wine Agaricus *
wine-cap *
wine-cap Stropharia *
wine-colored Agaricus *
wine-red Stropharia *
winter mushroom *
woman-on-motorcycle *
wood Clitocybe *
wood mushroom *
wood woolly-foot
woodland Agaricus *
woolly inky-cap *
woolly inky-cap *
woolly Inocybe
woolly milk-cap
woolly milk-cap
woolly milk-cap
woolly pine spike *
woolly-foot Agaricus
woolly-foot, wood
Wynne's Omphalina
XI, North American Biological Species
yellow cap Russula
yellow oyster mop
yellow parasol *
yellow Pholiota *
yellow Russula *
yellow staining bearded milk-cap *
yellow swamp Russula *
yellow waxcap *
yellow-centered waxy cap
yellow-edged Mycena *
yellow-green Tricholoma *
yellowish cavalier
yellowish-white Melanoleuca
yellow-olive Callistosporium *
yellow-stainer *
yellow-staining Agaricus *
yellow-staining milk-cap
yellow-stemmed Mycena
yellow-stemmed Mycena
yellow-stemmed Mycena
yellow-stemmed Mycena
yellow-stemmed Mycena
yellow-stemmed Mycena
yellow-stemmed Pluteus *
yellow-veiled Amanita *
Zeller's mushroom *
1472 items listed.