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Rhizina Root Rot of Conifers

Brenda E. Callan



Rhizina root rot of conifers is caused by the fungus Rhizina undulata (Ascomycetes, Pezizales), which commonly fruits on recently burned forest soil. Rhizina undulata occurs in temperate regions throughout the world, and in Europe, Japan, and South Africa it incites a root rot of pole-sized conifers known as "group dying". Infection is frequently initiated on trees adjacent to sites burned by the bonfires of forest workers, and may progress radially for several years. In North America, Rhizina root rot is associated with seedling death and occasionally causes significant damage in clear-cut areas recently planted after slash burning.


For more information, see the Rhizina Root Rot of Conifers Forest Pest Leaflet in the Canadian Forest Service bookstore.