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The information accessed from this screen is based on the publication: Unger, L. 1992. Dwarf Mistletoes. Forestry Canada, Forest Insect and Disease Survey, Forest Pest Leaflet No. 44. 7p.
Dwarf mistletoes, Arceuthobium spp. (Viscaciae), are widespread and destructive parasitic flowering plants that occur in the southern threequarters of British Columbia. They are also found in parts of Africa, Asia, Europe, North and Central America, and the West Indies. They attack a wide variety of conifers, causing a loss of vigor, growth and quality, as well as tree mortality. Annual volume losses to dwarf mistletoes in British Columbia are estimated at over 3.7 million cubic metres. In addition to dwarf mistletoes, only one species of true mistletoe, Viscum album L. subsp album, has been recorded on deciduous trees in Victoria.
For more information, see the Dwarf Mistletoes Forest Pest Leaflet in the Canadian Forest Service bookstore.